Saturday, 10 April 2010

Election Time -add witty title-

So its once again time for elections, and soon it will be time to vote for 2 new A&Q mods and one new Tea and Sympathy, though we could have one person take two of those spots DUN DUN DUN, surprisingly enough it seems a lot more people are willing to become moderators these days, unlike a while ago. When I remembered 5 or so would run we now have 11 or more people for each post in this most recent run, some new to running, some who have run before, I myself am running in this election, salivating and licking my lips at the possibility for some modly fun in chat (there are a few people I want to kick once just for the hell of it).. or as I would officially say.. looking forward to helping the site, oh well people know I would not not abuse my power (this is a joke by the way... or is it).
So why run for moderator, well some people might want to help out on the site, become more involved in the experience that is Aven, though they might not be ready for the experience that is admodum, there are many upsides to being a mod, there's respect... or pretend respect while your watching.. and you get to mess with posts.. I mean mod the board, other than that there is the secret realms we dare not speak of, the problem with the unknown if by demons we want to know it.
However of course there are many downsides to being a mod also, you are pretty much going to be public enemy one when something goes wrong, you aren't a member your 'ONE OF THEM', though I say this in a jovial manner, you do have a lot of effort to put in, you need to check posts, move topics and have the joy of dealing with any problems that are thrown your way, and of course if you're new there is trying to be useful enough that the older mods don't eat you, they get peckish from time to time (especially Kelly).
So we can surmise being a mod has its ups and downs, but is it worth it, I would say yes personally, its an experience at the least and you should try to experience everything, the only problem is will you get voted in what is essentially a lot of the time a popularity contest, people say they try to 'vote the right person for the right place', but if we are honest.. which we rarely are if we can help it, if you don't like someone or have a slight bias you are less likely to vote for them (amazingly), and people who are more active are more likely to be noticed than those who lurk.
So Tips for winning an election... be popular and be lucky, though I can give a tip I got from the great Cale Ceaser on how to win an Aven election I am running so why would I do that XD, but I am sure I will edit it and add it on after the election whatever happens.
So well yes if your running good luck, if your voting, vote for whoever you like, and I am quite proud myself for not trying to add any shameless self publicity in this post at all so goodbye and vote for me.

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