Monday, 26 April 2010

Elections End

So yes this is a little late but the elections have ended, and there are three new mods, Nigel won by a landslide and Nalle dominated for pretty much all of the Q&A election, of course the third mod was the most surprising of all, me, I know its a mystery to me too, then again It probably had a lot to do with the awesome posters Jicragg did which I thank her for again.
It was an eventful election and in my opinion was one of the funnest I have ever seen with lots of fun posters and messages, the two poster protagonists of course being the aforementioned Jic and BiPolarBear (formally Imonroe).
As for the votes themselves, well its was pretty neck and neck between Pretty Eyes and Nigel in tea and Sympathy, until Nigel suddenly caught steam and stormed ahead, as for the Q&A, it was the most even election I have seen in a long time, and the only real difference came towards the end, as it went on apart from Nalles unstoppable and rightful lead, a bunch of people came close until finally it was me and FallenAngel neck and neck until I suddenly got a bunch of votes, I'd say stranger things have happened but they really haven't.
So leaving myself aside, I have to wish good luck to Nalle and Nigel they will make awesome mods and I wish them a lot of fun in the chaotic sekrit realm normal Avenites only dare to dream to hope to think of.
Also that tip CaleCeaser gave was go on chat and make yourself known.

~ Akira, Evil Overlord of Aven and now a Mod, one step closer to domination of Aven.. and cake stores.

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